How Much Does Cambodia Really Cost? $41 Per Day!


How Much is our finance series, meant to tell you how much you should—and shouldn't—spend on the road."

With Angkor Wat and undiscovered beaches within its borders, Cambodia is quickly becoming a top SE Asia destination. But it's not as cheap as you may think.

Guesthouses are more expensive than in Thailand and Laos, especially if you want a private room with AC. Dorms are abundant and cheap as hell—starting at US$3—but we don't really go there!

The overland visa for Cambodia is supposed to be cheap—US$25—but you'll likely be ripped off at the border, so expect to pay a little more.

So how much did it cost to travel Cambodia? We each spent $41.15 a day during our 21 days. It sounds high, and on its own it's above our $1000/month budget, but there's one important caveat: this price includes our Open Water scuba diving certification in Koh Rong Samloem.

stepping off the dive boat

Crazy, right? We were able to do something that costs $600+ dollars in the U.S. on our super tight budget. And that's not all we were able to see.

Here's just a taste of what you can experience for $41 a day in Cambodia:

  • The amazing temples of Angkor Wat—if you've ever had a Tomb Raider fantasy, now would be the time to make it come alive
    reflections at Ta Prohm
  • Endless white sand beaches that squeak as you walk
    Lina enjoying Long Beach
  • Horrifying recent history that saw 25% of the country murdered by the Khmer Rouge while the UN stood by silently
    children were beat to death on this tree
  • The most amazing seafood, fresh from the fisherman's net and costing you just a few dollars
    Lina eating what Kep is famous for… Crab marinated in a delicious Kampot pepper sauce
  • A diving certification—it's not the most interesting place to dive, but it's cheap to learn if you have a few extra days
  • A hotel with WiFi and an infinity pool—the perfect place to catch up on emails!
    La Magnolia d'Angkor infinity pool
  • Phosphorescent swimming under the stars—this would be the place to make your Superman and Superwoman fantasies come alive
  • The best sunset (that we've seen) in Asia
    sunset on Koh Rong Samloem

Interested in reading more about traveling cheap in Cambodia? Check out our destination pages, Cambodia itinerary, and top tips for backpacking in Cambodia.

If you have any tips for backpacking Cambodia, leave a comment!


If you read our About Us page, you know that we're not your typical backpackers. Leaving our beautiful San Francisco loft and Lina's designer shoe collection behind didn't mean we'd revert to the way we traveled (or lived) when we were 17. So even if our trip looks cheap, know that you could spend a lot less. Most backpackers do!